•Participant MUST be a REGISTERED Parish Member
•To qualify, Participant MUST have submitted the regular weekly offering for the week entered, identifiably
•Registered Members may enter as many times as you like, for the week, BUT, entries are NOT donations and will NOT be credited as such
•Each entry envelope should contain $5 (cash or check) ONLY and will NOT be split for or with any other donation or collection
Entries and weekly offertory envelopes must be placed in collection baskets, hand-delivered to office OR mailed to: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish; PO BOX O;
5112 Pinecrest Rd; Pocono Pines, PA 18350
•All entry and corresponding weekly offerings must be received in the Parish Office no later than 9am each Monday.* If Monday Is a Federal Holiday, the DEADLINE for that week will be Tuesday at 9am.*
•Winners will be drawn from a ticketed roster of ALL REGISTERED Parish members only. To be eligible, members must be registered by entry deadline.
•Drawing will occur each Tuesday* and winner will be announced by member number in the bulletin for the weekend beginning 9-12 days after drawing
•IF the member whose number is drawn was not entered for that week, the pot will #ROLLOVER to the following drawing. Rollovers will continue each week until an eligible winner is drawn. Then, pot will revert back to zero for the beginning of the following week.
*If holidays, inclement weather or any other emergency situation should delay due date or drawing, notification will be made available via Flocknote. Please make sure we have an updated email address on file.